July 2023 Letter to the Community

Posted by Billy Daleske on 7/25/2023

July 25, 2023


Dear Braymer C-4 Community:


I hope everyone has been able to enjoy the past couple of months. With the start of school just around the corner, I wanted to give everyone some updates about our summer projects and provide some information about the upcoming school year.


Project Update

We are currently working with a company to replace many of our older interior classroom doors throughout the building. The company is currently finalizing measurements and orders. This project will be completed in two sections. The elementary classroom doors are scheduled to be replaced over Christmas break, while the upstairs classroom doors will be replaced in early June.

The football field is receiving some much needed attention this summer as well. The Quarterback Club has generously donated a new press box that will replace the old crow’s nest on the west side of the field. We will also be installing a new football scoreboard, thanks to the generosity of the Wallace Foundation.


Maintenance Update

The maintenance department has been busy getting the building ready for students and teachers. They have been completing several facelift projects around the campus, such as landscaping on the north end of our building, and new mulch in the playground. They are currently working to get the south wall in the upstairs classrooms ready for repair. They have been doing a great job!


Technology Update

The district has been using SISK12 for student information purposes for the past several years. SISK12 is no longer going to be available to school districts after this year. We will instead be making a switch to Infinite Campus. While we have been working hard over the past year to ensure a smooth switch, there will no doubt be some hiccups as we complete our transition. I ask that you bear with us as we work through any issues that arise. I would like to offer a huge thank you, to Mr. Vernon Norris, who has worked tirelessly to help the district with this change.


School Breakfast and Lunch Changes

During the past three years, school breakfast and lunch has been free of charge. The first two years, this was made possible through funding provided by the Federal Government. Prior to last school year, the government removed funding for the program. The district absorbed the cost. However, this was not something that was sustainable. Due to the funding from the Federal Government being removed, the district will begin charging for breakfast and lunches again this year. K-6 Breakfast prices will be $1.95 and Lunch will be $2.50. Grades 7-12 Breakfast prices will be $2.10 and Lunch will be $2.65. Reduced prices will be $0.30 for Breakfast and $0.40 for Lunch. We have applications for Free and Reduced Lunches available on our district website under the announcement page at https://www.braymerbobcats.org. They will also be available in our office on August 1st.  I would encourage you to fill out this form, even if you aren’t sure if you qualify.


Dead Week

The activities “dead week” is scheduled for July 29th through August 6th. The first allowable practices for high school will be August 7th.  


Elementary School Supplies List –

The 2023-2024 Elementary School Supplies list is posted. You can reach it by following this link: https://www.braymerbobcats.org/Page/146 or by looking on the district website announcements page.


I wish everyone a continued safe and happy summer and we look forward to seeing everyone next month.  Please watch our Facebook page and the Website for back to school updates. If you need anything, please feel free to contact our office at 666-645-2284.





Dr. Billy Daleske, Superintendent Braymer C-4 School District