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January Letter to the Community
Posted by Billy Daleske on 1/31/2023
January 31, 2023
Dear Braymer C-4 Community:
I hope that everyone was able to enjoy the holiday season and the new year with friends and loved ones. The second semester of school is in full swing, and as we say goodbye to the month of January, I want to update everyone on a few items going on in the district.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the community input meetings this fall or filled out a community survey. The feedback you provided has been valuable, as we are moving forward with our Continuous School Improvement Plan. The next steps in our CSIP process will be the adoption of goals for the district based on the feedback provided by the community and staff.
The construction repairing the drainage system near the propane tanks has been completed and updates to the greenhouse are nearing completion as well. I look forward to our students being able to utilize this building to its potential in the near future.
Board of Education filing ended on December 27th, and there are five candidates running for three positions. They are Darin Kincaid (incumbent), Levi Mallory, Jake Haley, Kirsten Sweem, and Michelle Kelley. The election for these three positions will be held in April.
We are right in the middle of the winter weather season, as I’m sure you are all aware. I want to remind everyone of our procedures should we find ourselves in the path of inclement weather. Closings and other information will be posted to our Facebook page. Also, a notification will be sent out through the parent link text caster application. If you are not signed up, please contact the central office.
If you need anything, I encourage you to please give our office a call.
Dr. Billy Daleske, Superintendent Braymer C-4 School District