September Letter to the Community

Posted by Billy Daleske on 9/30/2022

September 30, 2022


Dear Braymer C-4 Community:


I want to take the opportunity to let everyone know about the events and activities coming up in the next month here at Braymer C-4 Schools.


Next week we will be celebrating Homecoming. First, I want to welcome back all the Braymer C-4 Alumni. The activities planned for next week can be found on the District’s Facebook page. Next, I want to provide some information regarding a couple of activities as they relate to the district. There will be a pep rally followed by a bonfire on Monday night here at the school. We would like to extend a special thank you to the Shoal Creek Fire Protection District for assisting with this.


Also, on Friday the 7th, the district is proud to be participating in the annual Braymer Homecoming Parade, to take place downtown. Our elementary students will be walking in the parade with their teachers. We have taken measures to ensure the safe transportation of our students to and from the parade site. The parade is scheduled to begin at 1:30 pm. We will use our buses to transport students to the parade and then back to school for dismissal at the end of the school day. We ask if you need to check your student out, to please do so at the school and do not try to check them out at the parade route itself. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our offices. We look forward to an exciting week of festivities to celebrate the Braymer Homecoming tradition.


It is hard to believe but the end of the first quarter is fast approaching. We have parent-teacher conferences scheduled to take place on October 27th. Parents and guardians, please be on the lookout for more details in the near future. We look forward to continuing to work together with you. Thank you for your continued support.




Dr. Billy Daleske, Superintendent Braymer C-4 School District