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April Letter to the Community
Posted by Billy Daleske on 4/3/2024April 3, 2024
Dear Braymer C-4 Community:
This has been an exceptional year for our school. The district received a score of 93% on DESE’s Annual Performance Report (APR). APR Scoring is determined by a number of factors, including scores and growth on standardized tests, college and career readiness, as well as district attendance, to name a few. This puts the Braymer C-4 school district among some of the highest scoring districts in the state. This, along with an historic sports year for our students and coaches culminating in a state championship finals appearance for our boys’ basketball team, has been something special to be a part of. I want to congratulate all of our staff members and students for their ongoing hard work and efforts to keep Braymer at the top of the list in all categories.
As many of you know, the district will have a new superintendent next year as well as a new high school principal. As the Board was in the process of hiring new administrators, I made the decision to hold off conducting our annual Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP) surveys until the new administration was in place. Now that those positions are filled, the community survey portion of the CSIP planning process is now open. The link is posted to our website at www.braymerbobcats.org and on our Facebook page. We look forward to your input.
As we quickly approach the end of the school year, there are a few reminders I want to include with this letter. First, please make sure that any breakfast or lunch balances have been paid. Be sure to turn in all library books by the last week of April. And finally, textbooks and chromebooks turn in will be in May. April 12th is the deadline to sign up for summer school, grades Pre-K through 7th. If you have questions about summer school, please contact Elementary Principal Mrs. Morrison. Secondary students in need of credit recovery will be contacted by the High School Principal, Mr. Creekmore.
I look forward to your feedback on the surveys, and as always, if you need anything please give our office a call.
Dr. Billy Daleske, Superintendent Braymer C-4 School District
October 2023 Letter to the Community
Posted by Billy Daleske on 10/26/2023October 26, 2023
Dear Braymer C-4 Community:
It seems like the school year just started, yet here we are at the end of the first quarter. I want to start by thanking the staff, students and the community for making the Braymer Homecoming parade and festivities such a success. Also, thank you to the Alumni Association for working with the district to ensure our students are able to participate safely in the Homecoming events. I want to congratulate all of our fall coaches and students on great fall seasons. Our Softball team once again won a District Championship and made it to the State Quarterfinals, and our Football and Cross Country teams are poised to make their own post-season runs. Also our students participating in FFA as well as other activities are getting into the heart of their seasons as well. It truly is a great time to be a Bobcat!
As we move forward into Fall and Winter, I want to give everyone an update on what we will be working on as a District. Building principals will begin working with staff to review curriculum and ensure that everything we teach is tied to the state standards, per our District’s Continuous School Improvement Plan. This will be an ongoing process, and something we will continue to review in the years to come.
Next, the Braymer C-4 Board of Education and myself will be working on a facility needs assessment that will guide us in creating a Long Term Facilities Plan for the district as outlined in the District CSIP. Once this is completed I will share the findings on our website, along with the next steps in the process.
Finally, prior to the end of the semester, the District will again be asking for parents/guardians, and patrons to give us feedback on our CSIP surveys. These surveys will be made available online at the district website as well as through our District Facebook page.
I look forward to your feedback on the surveys, and as always, if you need anything please give our office a call.
Dr. Billy Daleske, Superintendent Braymer C-4 School District
July 2023 Letter to the Community
Posted by Billy Daleske on 7/25/2023
July 25, 2023Dear Braymer C-4 Community:
I hope everyone has been able to enjoy the past couple of months. With the start of school just around the corner, I wanted to give everyone some updates about our summer projects and provide some information about the upcoming school year.
Project Update
We are currently working with a company to replace many of our older interior classroom doors throughout the building. The company is currently finalizing measurements and orders. This project will be completed in two sections. The elementary classroom doors are scheduled to be replaced over Christmas break, while the upstairs classroom doors will be replaced in early June.
The football field is receiving some much needed attention this summer as well. The Quarterback Club has generously donated a new press box that will replace the old crow’s nest on the west side of the field. We will also be installing a new football scoreboard, thanks to the generosity of the Wallace Foundation.
Maintenance Update
The maintenance department has been busy getting the building ready for students and teachers. They have been completing several facelift projects around the campus, such as landscaping on the north end of our building, and new mulch in the playground. They are currently working to get the south wall in the upstairs classrooms ready for repair. They have been doing a great job!
Technology Update
The district has been using SISK12 for student information purposes for the past several years. SISK12 is no longer going to be available to school districts after this year. We will instead be making a switch to Infinite Campus. While we have been working hard over the past year to ensure a smooth switch, there will no doubt be some hiccups as we complete our transition. I ask that you bear with us as we work through any issues that arise. I would like to offer a huge thank you, to Mr. Vernon Norris, who has worked tirelessly to help the district with this change.
School Breakfast and Lunch Changes
During the past three years, school breakfast and lunch has been free of charge. The first two years, this was made possible through funding provided by the Federal Government. Prior to last school year, the government removed funding for the program. The district absorbed the cost. However, this was not something that was sustainable. Due to the funding from the Federal Government being removed, the district will begin charging for breakfast and lunches again this year. K-6 Breakfast prices will be $1.95 and Lunch will be $2.50. Grades 7-12 Breakfast prices will be $2.10 and Lunch will be $2.65. Reduced prices will be $0.30 for Breakfast and $0.40 for Lunch. We have applications for Free and Reduced Lunches available on our district website under the announcement page at https://www.braymerbobcats.org. They will also be available in our office on August 1st. I would encourage you to fill out this form, even if you aren’t sure if you qualify.
Dead Week
The activities “dead week” is scheduled for July 29th through August 6th. The first allowable practices for high school will be August 7th.
Elementary School Supplies List –
The 2023-2024 Elementary School Supplies list is posted. You can reach it by following this link: https://www.braymerbobcats.org/Page/146 or by looking on the district website announcements page.
I wish everyone a continued safe and happy summer and we look forward to seeing everyone next month. Please watch our Facebook page and the Website for back to school updates. If you need anything, please feel free to contact our office at 666-645-2284.
Dr. Billy Daleske, Superintendent Braymer C-4 School District
March Letter to the Community
Posted by Billy Daleske on 3/31/2023
March 31, 2023Dear Braymer C-4 Community:
Spring is finally in the air here at the Braymer C-4 School District. We are a couple weeks into the fourth quarter of the school year and with that we have several things happening here in the district. I will outline those below.
The Board of Education will be voting to approve the Continuous School Improvement Plan (CSIP) this April. We began this process back in November by meeting with community members and members of the Braymer C-4 faculty and staff. We also gathered feedback through a community survey. Based on the feedback we gathered, we identified priorities for the district. These priorities are: Collaborative Culture and Climate, Effective Teaching and Learning, Leadership, Data-Based Decision Making, Equity and Access, and finally, Alignment of Standards, Curriculum and Assessment. We have created a number of goals associated with these identified priorities. Each goal is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and has a timeline for completion. This plan will be used to guide our district in the coming years. Thank you again to all those who participated in this process.
MAP Testing and EOC Testing is just around the corner. We ask that you help us prepare your students by getting plenty of rest the night before a scheduled exam. Please be on the lookout for any updates or announcements from your student’s teacher or principal.
The April election this year includes on the ballot, the Braymer C-4 Board of Education seats. This year there are five candidates running to fill three seats. Those candidates are: Jake Haley, Michelle Kelley, Darin Kincaid (incumbent), Levi Mallory and Kirsten Sweem.
Spring can bring wet weather and storms that can impact sports and activities. Please keep an eye on our Facebook page and sign-up for our text caster to receive updates on events.
If you need anything or we can do anything to help you, please give our office a call.
Dr. Billy Daleske, Superintendent Braymer C-4 School District
January Letter to the Community
Posted by Billy Daleske on 1/31/2023January 31, 2023
Dear Braymer C-4 Community:
I hope that everyone was able to enjoy the holiday season and the new year with friends and loved ones. The second semester of school is in full swing, and as we say goodbye to the month of January, I want to update everyone on a few items going on in the district.
Thank you to everyone who participated in the community input meetings this fall or filled out a community survey. The feedback you provided has been valuable, as we are moving forward with our Continuous School Improvement Plan. The next steps in our CSIP process will be the adoption of goals for the district based on the feedback provided by the community and staff.
The construction repairing the drainage system near the propane tanks has been completed and updates to the greenhouse are nearing completion as well. I look forward to our students being able to utilize this building to its potential in the near future.
Board of Education filing ended on December 27th, and there are five candidates running for three positions. They are Darin Kincaid (incumbent), Levi Mallory, Jake Haley, Kirsten Sweem, and Michelle Kelley. The election for these three positions will be held in April.
We are right in the middle of the winter weather season, as I’m sure you are all aware. I want to remind everyone of our procedures should we find ourselves in the path of inclement weather. Closings and other information will be posted to our Facebook page. Also, a notification will be sent out through the parent link text caster application. If you are not signed up, please contact the central office.
If you need anything, I encourage you to please give our office a call.
Dr. Billy Daleske, Superintendent Braymer C-4 School District
November Letter to the Community
Posted by Billy Daleske on 11/30/2022 12:00:00 PMNovember 30, 2022
Dear Braymer C-4 Community:
I hope everyone was able to enjoy the Thanksgiving holiday and spend time with loved ones. I want to give everyone an update on some construction projects as well as our Comprehensive School Improvement Planning process.
Construction is beginning between the football field and field house to fix the drainage and erosion issues near the propane tanks. Workers have also started to update the greenhouse. These updates will make the greenhouse more efficient and usable for our students.
The Education, Governance, Leadership Association began meeting with board of education members, members of our community, as well as all faculty and staff members of the Braymer C-4 School District as part of our CSIP and MSIP 6 Planning. The next step is for members of the community to take part in our school district survey. The survey can be found on the homepage of our district website, our Braymer School District Facebook Page, and through our district text caster.
We value your input and look forward to hearing from you.
Winter sports action is underway with the boys’ and girls’ basketball teams competing in the Gallatin tournament this week. It is hard to believe but there are only 3 weeks remaining in the first semester. We are looking forward to a strong finish to 2022.
I value your input and look forward to your feedback on the community surveys. If you need anything, please give our office a call.
Dr. Billy Daleske
Braymer C4 School District
October Letter to the Community
Posted by Billy Daleske on 10/27/2022October 27, 2022
Dear Braymer C-4 Community:
I want to take the opportunity to let everyone know what will be happening here at the Braymer C-4 School District in the near future.
The Braymer C-4 Board of Education has partnered with The Education, Governance, Leadership Association to begin work on updating the District Comprehensive School Improvement Plan and meeting the state mandated MSIP 6 requirements. Our current CSIP is scheduled to expire at the end of 2022. There will be opportunities in the near future to participate in community surveys that will help guide the future of the district. We encourage everyone to participate in the community surveys, as we greatly value your input. Please be on the lookout through our Facebook page and District Website in the coming months for this survey. Work on the new CSIP will begin in November and run through the month of December before concluding in January.
Work will begin this fall to fix a drainage and erosion issue outside between the gymnasium and the propane tanks. This will stop the erosion that has been taking place on the west hillside for many years and allow water to properly drain. We will also be making some updates to our greenhouse this winter to improve its usability for our students.
As fall sports are entering the post season and concluding, I want to congratulate our softball girls on an amazing season. Their playoff run ended last Saturday in the State Quarterfinals at Canton. I also want to wish all of our student athletes good luck as they compete in their upcoming post season contests.
I look forward to your feedback on the surveys, and as always, if you need anything please give our office a call.
Dr. Billy Daleske Superintendent Braymer C-4 School District
September Letter to the Community
Posted by Billy Daleske on 9/30/2022September 30, 2022
Dear Braymer C-4 Community:
I want to take the opportunity to let everyone know about the events and activities coming up in the next month here at Braymer C-4 Schools.
Next week we will be celebrating Homecoming. First, I want to welcome back all the Braymer C-4 Alumni. The activities planned for next week can be found on the District’s Facebook page. Next, I want to provide some information regarding a couple of activities as they relate to the district. There will be a pep rally followed by a bonfire on Monday night here at the school. We would like to extend a special thank you to the Shoal Creek Fire Protection District for assisting with this.
Also, on Friday the 7th, the district is proud to be participating in the annual Braymer Homecoming Parade, to take place downtown. Our elementary students will be walking in the parade with their teachers. We have taken measures to ensure the safe transportation of our students to and from the parade site. The parade is scheduled to begin at 1:30 pm. We will use our buses to transport students to the parade and then back to school for dismissal at the end of the school day. We ask if you need to check your student out, to please do so at the school and do not try to check them out at the parade route itself. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our offices. We look forward to an exciting week of festivities to celebrate the Braymer Homecoming tradition.
It is hard to believe but the end of the first quarter is fast approaching. We have parent-teacher conferences scheduled to take place on October 27th. Parents and guardians, please be on the lookout for more details in the near future. We look forward to continuing to work together with you. Thank you for your continued support.
Dr. Billy Daleske, Superintendent Braymer C-4 School District
August Letter to the Community
Posted by Billy Daleske on 8/26/2022
August 26, 2022Dear Braymer C-4 Community:
On behalf of the faculty, staff, and Board of Education of the Braymer C-4 School District, I want to thank everyone for helping our students experience such a wonderful first week of school. The beginning of school is an exciting time. From our students who are just getting ready to begin their academic careers as Pre-K or Kindergartners, all the way to our Seniors in high school, who just got to experience their “last first day of school”. This is also an exciting time for teachers and staff. We have been looking forward to their return, and are ready to help them grow throughout the year.
It is a priority of mine to establish an open line of communication between parents and the school. Be looking for teachers to communicate regularly through a variety of means throughout the year. If you have questions about anything at any time, please feel free to contact your student’s teacher, principal or one of us in the office. We are here to help you.
If you have not yet done so, we please ask that you take time to fill out a free and reduced lunch form. It can be found in either the high school office or central/elementary office. Forms can also be found on the website at www.braymerbocats.org.
I also want to take a moment to congratulate all the students who participated in the Missouri State Fair. It is wonderful to see the Braymer Community so well represented! Our students will continue to take part in competitions as the Fall Athletic Seasons get underway in the coming days and weeks. It’s a great time to be a Bobcat!
Dr. Billy Daleske, Superintendent Braymer C-4 School District
Summertime Update
Posted by Billy Daleske on 7/15/2022July 15, 2022
Dear Braymer C-4 Community:
Over the past couple of weeks, I have been settling in to my new position as Superintendent of the Braymer C-4 School District. I want take this opportunity to let you know how excited I am to serve the community in this role. I have had the chance to meet several great people from the community already and look forward to getting to know many more of you as we move forward this year. It is easy to see the support this community has for its school and our students.
It is my duty as the Superintendent to keep the community updated and informed on what is happening at the Braymer C-4 Schools. Today, I want to give a brief update of what is taking place over the summer while school is not in session.
Summer School
Braymer’s summer school program was a success, wrapping up on June 17th with a field trip to Chilli Bay Water Park and a picnic in the park. The Summer Journey’s program consisted of 19 fun-filled days of hands-on cooperative activities, project based learning opportunities, and a great deal of enrichment activities. Students who attended had the opportunity to win iPads, which were provided by the Catapult Summer Journey’s Program.
Maintenance Update
The maintenance team has been working hard to ensure the building is ready to go when teachers and students return. Some of the bigger items they have been working on are: moving furniture in and out of classrooms and offices, sealing windows, painting and replacing tile, resealing and waxing floors. The band and music rooms have also received a facelift. They have been doing a great job!
Dead Week
The activities “dead week” is scheduled for August 1st through the 7th. The first allowable fall practices are scheduled to begin August 8th.
I hope everyone is having a safe and happy summer. The 2022-2023 Elementary School Supplies list is posted. You can reach it by following this link: https://www.braymerbobcats.org/Page/146 or by looking on the district website announcements page. Please watch our Facebook page and the Website for back to school updates. If you need anything, please feel free to contact me at 666-645-2284.
Dr. Billy Daleske, Superintendent Braymer C-4 School District