Braymer C-4 School District
The Braymer C-4 School District has a total enrollment of 298 students. As a top-rated school district by the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education, the Braymer C-4 provides quality education for its Pre K-12 students. The Braymer C-4 School District draws some students on a non-resident basis from the area communities of Cowgill and New York. The district provides, to qualifying students that attend, an opportunity for Title I preschool. The district employs 35 certificated staff and 16 non-certified staff. The average classroom size is 20 in grades K-12. The District offers dual credit courses through various colleges. The students also have the opportunity to attend the Grand River Vocational Technical School in Chillicothe. Additionally, the district offers Vocational Business and Agriculture. The District has active Booster Clubs and Alumni. School colors are red and black, and the school mascot is the "BOBCAT".
About The Community
Braymer, with a population of about 900 residents, is located sixty miles northeast of Kansas City and about twenty-five miles southwest of Chillicothe. A wide variety of businesses in Braymer provide goods and services for its residents.